Accepted Students

GoVIEW Student Information Guide

Below is the step by step process and other important information for registering and logging into your GoVIEW courses after being accepted into your program. Please follow the guide and if you have any questions or problems, please email MyHelp –&Բ; or 912-478-2287.

Step 1: Register for your courses

  • Login to MyGeorgiaSouthern and go to the WINGS tile
  • Click on Student Information icon
  • Click on Student Profile
  • On the left menu select Registration and Planning

Having trouble logging in to register? Contact MyHelp –&Բ; or 912-478-2287.

Step 2: View invoice and pay outstanding fees

  • Login to MyGeorgiaSouthern and go to the WINGS tile
  • Click on Student Information icon
  • Click on Statement & Payment History to view your current balance and make payments.

Dropping a course after the drop/add period will not result in a refund. You must drop your course(s) before the official drop/add date. Visit the  for those dates.

Step 3: Login to your online course in GoVIEW (On/after first day of class)

How to Access Your Login Information:

  1. Login to MyGeorgiaSouthern
  2. Once on the MyGeorgiaSouthern home page – Click on “Personal Settings Gear Icon” located in the upper right hand corner of My.GS
  3. Click on ‘Personal Settings”
  4. Click on the “GoVIEW Login Information” to retrieve your username and password

**Again, this will be your username and password used to access your GoVIEW.

How to Access Your GoVIEW Courses:

  1. Login to MyGeorgiaSouthern
  2. From the MyGeorgiaSouthern home page – Click on “GoVIEW” – you are then taken to the GoVIEW log in screen
  3. Enter your log in credentials that you found in the above process and you will be taken to your course listing

If you have any questions or problems, please e-mail MyHelp –&Բ; or 912-478-2287.

Step 4: Other Important Information

– Make sure that you have read your syllabus or other instructions to undertake appropriate steps for Attendance Verification.
–&Բ;USE GOOGLE! When you login to MyGeorgiaSouthern, your email, calendar and several other tools from Google are the standard for Georgia Southern students. Try them today!